Finally a multinational company that makes you think on your feet
When each project is a step into the unknown, it becomes a rung on a ladder called originality. For 5 years we have taken Camper as high as we can.
Bank of Imagination
What if we could relate to each other by what we imagine instead of what we think? There are many ways to explore this bank. You can search by category, tag, user, or by most voted imagination.
Spring Summer
If a person were to use their imagination to think of a shoe, they would imagine Camper shoes. But if some Camper imagined a person, what would he or she look like? There’s one way to find out… All we have to do is water some Campers in the spring and see what happens.
Mediterranean Sneakers
If something is good, sharing it makes it great. Share the Med became the mantra to invite everyone to create their own vision of the Mediterranean using Camper’s new collection as the main ingredient.
Camper friends
My friends’ friends are my friends. So when a friend enters Camper friends, the first thing they meet is another Camper friend, some artist/illustrator/designer/poet/magician/crazy person who will be happy to connect and share. You know, the more, the merrier.
If our feet could speak, they would not speak in words. How then to describe the path that our imagination decides to follow? A journey into the unknown, and nothing but a suitcase full of creativity.