In compliance with the duty of information set out in Article 22.2 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on information society services and e-commerce, the purpose of this Cookies Policy is to provide you with clear and accurate information about the cookies used on this website.


What are cookies?

Cookies are a small files sent by websites to your browser and stored on your computer. Cookies allow websites to store and retrieve information about your visit, such as your preferred language and other options, in order to improve the services offered and enhance your browsing experience.


Authorisation to use cookies

In accordance with the banner/cookie notice that appears on the website, the user may accept or reject all cookies, or change their cookie settings.

If you opt to reject all cookies, you will not be able to continue browsing the website. If you opt to change your cookie settings, you will be advised which cookies are required for the website to operate properly, and which you may reject. If you accept, you expressly consent to the use of cookies as described below.


Types of cookies

Depending on who manages the domain from which the cookies are sent and how the data is processed, a distinction will be made between own cookies and third-party cookies.

Cookies can also be classified as session cookies or persistent cookies according to the length of time they remain stored in the user’s browser.

Finally, depending on the purpose for which the data is collected, cookies can be classified into the following categories:

– Technical cookies: allow the user to browse a website and use some of the services it offers (such as, for example, cookies that store the elements in a user’s shopping cart).

– Personalisation cookies: enable the user to access the website with default features, such as language.

– Security cookies: help to prevent or hinder attacks against the website.

– Complementary cookies for exchanging social content: the so-called plug-ins, which allow content to be shared on social media.

– Analysis cookies: enable the cookie controller to monitor the user’s behaviour.

– Advertising cookies: enable management of the website’s advertising spaces.

– Behavioural advertising cookies: like advertising cookies, these cookies store data on the user’s behaviour and habits to enable more effective management of the website’s advertising spaces, adapting the advertising to the user.

– Geolocation cookies: used to determine the user’s country location.


Cookies used by this website

In particular, the following cookies are used for browsing the website:

  • icl_visitor_lang_js (proprietary cookie): Responsible for registering the navigation language.
  • PHPSESSID (proprietary cookie): Responsible for storing the user’s session details.
  • wpml_browser_redirect_test (proprietary cookie): Responsible for managing the redirection of the web according to language.
  • cook (proprietary cookie): We use it to determine whether or not you have accepted the cookie policy.


How to change the cookie settings

You can configure them or reject their use by clicking here: COOKIES CONFIGURATION.

You can restrict, block or delete cookies from this website via your browser. This is different for each operator, but the help menu on your browser will provide an explanation of the procedure for removing cookies. To find out more:

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox


Internet Explorer

It is possible that, by disabling cookies, the website may not function properly or you may not be able to access certain features of the website.


Modification of terms and conditions

The owners of this website expressly reserve the right, without prior notice, to unilaterally modify, in whole or in part, this Cookies Policy. You, the user, acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to periodically review this Cookies Policy.